Solving the Elusive Missing Output Exception Error in Snakemake: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Solving the Elusive Missing Output Exception Error in Snakemake: A Step-by-Step Guide

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve encountered the frustrating “Missing Output Exception Error” in Snakemake, and you’re desperate for a solution. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This error can be particularly maddening when you’ve modified the output directory, making it seem like Snakemake has lost track of your files. Fear not, dear reader, for we’ll delve into the world of Snakemake and tackle this issue together.

Understanding the Error: What’s Going On?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s take a step back and understand what’s causing this error. When you modify the output directory in Snakemake, the software expects to find the output files in the new location. However, if the files are not present or not properly linked, Snakemake throws the “Missing Output Exception Error”. This error can occur due to various reasons, including:

  • Incorrect output directory specification
  • Missing or misconfigured output files
  • Directory permission issues
  • Version incompatibilities between Snakemake and its dependencies

Step 1: Verify Your Output Directory Specification

The first step in resolving the error is to double-check your output directory specification. Make sure you’ve correctly defined the output directory in your Snakemake script using the output: directive. For example:

rule my_rule:
        "touch {output}"

In this example, the output file is specified as “path/to/output/file.txt”. Ensure that this path is correct and the directory exists. If you’ve modified the output directory, update the path accordingly.

Step 2: Check for Missing or Misconfigured Output Files

In some cases, the error might occur due to missing or misconfigured output files. Verify that the output files are present in the specified directory and are correctly named. If you’re using a workflow with multiple output files, ensure that all files are present and correctly linked.

You can use the snakemake --dryrun command to simulate the workflow and identify any issues with the output files. This command will show you which files are missing or misconfigured, helping you pinpoint the problem.

Step 3: Inspect Directory Permissions

Directory permission issues can also cause the “Missing Output Exception Error”. Ensure that the output directory has the correct permissions and is accessible by Snakemake. You can check the directory permissions using the ls -ld command:

$ ls -ld /path/to/output/directory
drwxr-xr-x 2 user group 4096 Feb 10 14:30 /path/to/output/directory

In this example, the output directory has read, write, and execute permissions for the user and group, respectively. If you’re running Snakemake as a different user, ensure that the user has the necessary permissions to access the directory.

Step 4: Check for Version Incompatibilities

Version incompatibilities between Snakemake and its dependencies can lead to errors. Ensure that you’re using compatible versions of Snakemake, Python, and other dependencies. You can check the version of Snakemake using the snakemake --version command:

$ snakemake --version
snakemake 6.15.3

Make sure you’re running the latest version of Snakemake or a version that’s compatible with your workflow.

Step 5: Re-run Snakemake with the –verbose Flag

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, try re-running Snakemake with the --verbose flag. This flag enables verbose mode, which provides more detailed output and can help you identify the root cause of the error:

$ snakemake --verbose

The verbose output will show you the exact commands being executed and any errors that occur during the workflow. This can help you pinpoint the issue and take corrective action.

Common Scenarios and Solutions

Here are some common scenarios where the “Missing Output Exception Error” might occur, along with their solutions:

Scenario Solution
Modified output directory Update the output directory specification in the Snakemake script to reflect the changes.
Missing output files Verify that the output files are present in the specified directory and are correctly named.
Directory permission issues Ensure that the output directory has the correct permissions and is accessible by Snakemake.
Version incompatibilities Verify that you’re using compatible versions of Snakemake, Python, and other dependencies.


The “Missing Output Exception Error” in Snakemake can be frustrating, but it’s often a simple issue to resolve. By following these steps and understanding the common scenarios that lead to this error, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the problem head-on. Remember to:

  1. Verify your output directory specification
  2. Check for missing or misconfigured output files
  3. Inspect directory permissions
  4. Check for version incompatibilities
  5. Re-run Snakemake with the –verbose flag

By following these steps, you’ll be able to resolve the “Missing Output Exception Error” and get your Snakemake workflow up and running smoothly.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on Snakemake’s Missing Output Exception Error and how to overcome it with output directory modifications!

What is the Missing Output Exception Error in Snakemake?

The Missing Output Exception Error occurs in Snakemake when the workflow expects a specific output file, but it’s not found in the specified directory. This error can be triggered by various reasons, including incorrect file paths, incomplete workflow execution, or changes to the output directory.

Why does Snakemake throw a Missing Output Exception Error when I modify the output directory?

When you modify the output directory, Snakemake’s workflow might not find the expected output files, leading to the Missing Output Exception Error. This is because Snakemake relies on the original output directory to check for file existence and integrity. By changing the output directory, you’re breaking this assumption, causing the error to occur.

How can I fix the Missing Output Exception Error when modifying the output directory in Snakemake?

To fix the error, you need to update the output file paths in your Snakemake workflow to match the new directory structure. You can do this by using Snakemake’s built-in functions, such as `os.path.join()` or `dirname()`, to dynamically construct the output file paths. Additionally, make sure to update any relevant `target` or `output` specifications in your Snakemake rules.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when modifying the output directory in Snakemake?

When modifying the output directory, be cautious of hardcoding file paths, using relative paths, or forgetting to update dependent rules. Also, ensure that the new directory structure is consistent throughout your workflow, and that you’re not overwriting existing files or directories. Finally, test your modified workflow thoroughly to catch any errors or inconsistencies.

Can I use Snakemake’s `–directory` option to modify the output directory?

Yes, Snakemake provides the `–directory` or `-d` option to specify a custom output directory. However, when using this option, make sure to update your workflow’s output file paths accordingly, as Snakemake will still expect the original file paths. You can also use this option in conjunction with Snakemake’s built-in functions to dynamically construct output file paths.