How to Configure an External Formatter in DBeaver Snap Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Neelie -

How to Configure an External Formatter in DBeaver Snap Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on configuring an external formatter in DBeaver Snap Linux! As a developer or database administrator, you understand the importance of having a well-formatted SQL code. In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of setting up an external formatter in DBeaver Snap Linux, making your coding experience more efficient and enjoyable.

Why Use an External Formatter in DBeaver?

DBeaver is an exceptional database management tool, but its built-in formatter might not meet your specific formatting needs. That’s where an external formatter comes in – allowing you to customize and fine-tune your SQL code to your heart’s content. With an external formatter, you can:

  • Enforce consistent coding standards across your team
  • Improve code readability and maintainability
  • Reduce errors and debugging time
  • Enhance overall code quality and reliability

Choosing the Right External Formatter for DBeaver Snap Linux

Before we dive into the configuration process, you’ll need to select an external formatter that suits your needs. Some popular options for DBeaver Snap Linux include:

Formatter Description
SQLFormatter A popular, open-source formatter with extensive customization options
sqlparse A Python-based formatter with a simple and intuitive syntax
FormatterSQL A commercial formatter with advanced features and support for multiple databases

For this guide, we’ll use SQLFormatter as our example external formatter.

Installing SQLFormatter on DBeaver Snap Linux

Before configuring SQLFormatter in DBeaver, you’ll need to install it on your Linux system. Follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal on your Linux system and run the following command:
  2. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sqlformatter

  3. Wait for the installation process to complete
  4. Verify the installation by running:
  5. sqlformatter --version

  6. This should display the version number of SQLFormatter installed on your system

Configuring SQLFormatter in DBeaver Snap Linux

Now that SQLFormatter is installed, let’s configure it in DBeaver:

Step 1: Enable External Formatting in DBeaver

Open DBeaver and navigate to:

File > Preferences > SQL Editor > Formatting

In the “Formatting” section, select the “External” radio button under “Formatter type.” Click “Apply” and then “OK” to save the changes.

Step 2: Configure SQLFormatter Options

In the same “Formatting” section, click the “Configure” button next to the “External” radio button. This will open the “External Formatter” dialog.

In the “Command” field, enter the following:

/usr/bin/sqlformatter -i -

This specifies the SQLFormatter executable path and instructs it to read input from the standard input (-i -).

Under “Arguments,” add the following:

-s 4 -k UPPER -c 80 -p 4

These arguments customize SQLFormatter’s behavior:

  • -s 4: sets the indentation size to 4 spaces
  • -k UPPER: specifies uppercase keywords
  • -c 80: sets the maximum line length to 80 characters
  • -p 4: adds 4 spaces of padding around parentheses

Click “OK” to save the changes.

Step 3: Test the External Formatter

Create a new SQL file in DBeaver or open an existing one. Write some sample SQL code, and then click:

SQL > Format SQL

DBeaver will invoke SQLFormatter, and your code should be beautifully formatted according to your specified options.

Tips and Tricks for Using an External Formatter in DBeaver Snap Linux

Here are some additional tips to help you get the most out of your external formatter:

  • Customize your formatter options**: Experiment with different arguments and options to tailor the formatter to your team’s specific coding standards.
  • Use formatter profiles**: Create multiple profiles for different formatting scenarios, such as development, staging, or production environments.
  • Integrate with your CI/CD pipeline**: Configure your formatter to run automatically as part of your continuous integration and continuous deployment pipeline.
  • Share formatter settings**: Export and share your formatter configuration with your team to ensure consistency across projects.


Configuring an external formatter in DBeaver Snap Linux is a straightforward process that can greatly enhance your SQL coding experience. By following this guide, you’ve successfully set up SQLFormatter to format your SQL code according to your preferences. Experiment with different formatters and options to find the perfect fit for your needs.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to format your code beautifully!

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, Linux enthusiasts! Are you struggling to configure an external formatter in DBeaver Snap on your Linux machine? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and their answers to help you get started.

How do I configure an external formatter in DBeaver Snap on Linux?

To configure an external formatter in DBeaver Snap on Linux, go to File > Editor > Formatter, and then click on the “External” tab. From there, you can specify the formatter executable and any additional arguments as needed.

What are some popular external formatters that I can use with DBeaver Snap on Linux?

Some popular external formatters that you can use with DBeaver Snap on Linux include Google’s Java Format, Eclipse’s Java Formatter, and Oracle’s JDeveloper Code Formatter, among others. You can also use custom formatters as per your project requirements.

How do I specify the formatter executable path in DBeaver Snap on Linux?

To specify the formatter executable path in DBeaver Snap on Linux, click on the “Browse” button next to the “Formatter executable” field and navigate to the location where your formatter executable is installed. For example, if you’re using Google’s Java Format, you might need to specify the path to the `javaformat` executable.

Can I use multiple external formatters with DBeaver Snap on Linux?

Yes, you can use multiple external formatters with DBeaver Snap on Linux. To do this, create separate formatter configurations and specify different formatter executables and arguments for each one. You can then switch between formatters as needed for your projects.

Are there any performance considerations I should keep in mind when using an external formatter with DBeaver Snap on Linux?

Yes, using an external formatter with DBeaver Snap on Linux can impact performance, especially if the formatter is computationally intensive or has high memory requirements. To minimize performance impacts, consider using formatters that are optimized for your project requirements and specifying formatter arguments that limit memory usage or processing time.

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